Ten Reasons to Volunteer for the Association

Ten Reason to Volunteer for the Association

  1. To protect your self-interests, protect your property values and maintain or improve the quality of life in your community.

  2. To correct a problem. Do you think community maintenance has been neglected or something was not done correctly? Remember that any decisions that you help the Board to make cannot be self-serving, but rather in the best interest of the whole community.

  3. To be sociable. Meet your neighbors, make friends, and exchange opinions.

  4. To give back. Repay a little of what’s been done for you.

  5. To advance your career. Build your personal resume by including your community volunteer service.

  6. To have some fun. Association work isn’t all drudgery. It is fun accomplishing good things with your neighbors and knowing that you are working to protect all the neighborhood property values.

  7. To get educated and learn how it’s done. Get plugged in with the HOA Board.

  8. To express yourself. Help with creative projects like community beautification or social activities.

  9. To earn recognition. Everyone enjoys a pat on the back. Your contributions will be recognized by your neighbors.

  10. Try some altruism. Improve our community and society by helping others. As the saying goes, Helping others helps yourself.


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