Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve compiled a list of some Frequently Asked Questions below. If you’d like to ask your own question, submit your questions using the Contact Us form and we’ll get back to you with an answer

Q: How can I be an informed Mountain Valley resident?

A: To stay informed, it’s important to have access to the Association’s Legal Documents, including the By-Laws and Restrictive Covenants. These documents are available on the Mountain Valley Neighborhood website at under the Documents section. Additionally, you can request access to the Resident’s Only area of the website, join the Mountain Valley neighborhood Google Group, and become a member of the private Facebook group. For more details on how to join these groups, please contact the webmaster at

Q: I can’t access the Resident’s Only portion of the website?

A: If you can’t access the Resident’s Only portions of the website, try the following items:

1) Close out the Mountain Valley website.
2) Delete your history/cookies.
4) Once logged in – confirm it says “Welcome Back (your name)” at the top left side of the page.
4) Confirm you can see the “Resident’s Only” menu on the top right of the page.
5) If you can’t see the “Resident’s Only” menu let us know by using the Contact Us form.
6) If you can see “Resident’s Only” click on the menu or the drop down items to confirm they work.
7) If you get an error message let us know when you get the error by using the Contact Us form please include what you were clicking on when the error page came up.
Q: I forgot my Password?

A: Click the Password Reset link in the upper left corner of the Homepage and you will be able to reset your password.  A link will be sent to the email that you used when you registered.

“I tried to reset my password and did not get an email with instructions as to how to reset it.”

You may not have a profile on the new website or your email may not be correct.  Please click Register and fill in the form.

Q: What is a Homeowner's Association?

A: It is a non-profit corporation registered with the State and managed by a duly elected Board of Directors. Its purpose is to maintain all common areas and to govern the community in accordance with the provision of the legal documents: Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws and Covenants. The governing legal documents for the association may be viewed online within the Documents page of this site. The corporation is financially supported by all members of the homeowners association. Membership is both automatic and mandatory.

Q: What are HOA By-Laws?

A: The By-Laws are the guidelines for the operation of the non-profit corporation. The By-Laws define the duties of the various offices of the Board of Directors, the terms of the Directors, the membership’s voting rights, required meetings and notices of meetings, and the principal office of the Association, as well as other specific items that are necessary to run the Association as a business. The Bylaws for the Association may be viewed online within the Documents page of this site.

Q: What are the HOA Restrictive Covenants?

A: The Restrictive Covenants are the legal documents that establish the guidelines for operating Mountain Valley as a planned community and non-profit corporation. These Covenants were recorded with the Henderson County Recorder’s Office and are tied to the title of your property. Compliance with the Covenants is required, and failure to follow them may result in actions taken by the Association. You can view these governing documents online on the Documents page of the Mountain Valley Neighborhood website.

Q: What is the Board of Directors?

A: The Homeowners’ Association (HOA) is a corporation, which requires a governing body to manage its affairs. The Board of Directors fulfills this role and is elected by the homeowners, or as specified in the bylaws. The Board’s powers, limitations, and responsibilities are detailed in the Association’s governing documents, available on the Documents page of the Mountain Valley Neighborhood website.

Q: How often do the Board of Directors meet?

A: The MV HOA Board of Directors meets a minimum of once a quarter.

Q: If I want to serve on a committee, how do I find out what committees are active and how I can get involved?

A: Volunteering on a committee is a great way to give back to your neighbors, have a voice in shaping the community, and help keep Mountain Valley a vibrant and welcoming place to live. Visit the HOA Board & Committees page on the Mountain Valley Neighborhood website to learn about active committees and find their contact information. If you’re interested in volunteering, you can reach out to the committee chair directly or fill out the online volunteer form on the Contact Us page. Your involvement makes a meaningful difference and helps strengthen our neighborhood!

Q: What are HOA Assessments (Dues)?

A: HOA dues are the periodic payments required from each property owner to fund neighborhood upkeep and activities. These payments cover:

  • Maintenance and landscaping of common areas
  • Beautification projects
  • Property taxes for common areas
  • HOA operating expenses
  • Social events
  • Reserve funds for future improvements

The Mountain Valley HOA Board sets the dues annually. Payment of these assessments is mandatory for all homeowners.

Q: When is the HOA Annual Meeting held?

A: The annual meeting is held in October each year. The location is determined by the Board and is communicated to each property owner on file.

Q: What is the speed limit in Mountain Valley?

A: The speed limit is 20 miles per hour throughout the neighborhood. Mountain Valley has no sidewalks, the streets are narrow and numerous contractor vehicles utilize the streets while working in Mountain Valley. Drivers need to observe the posted speed and stop signs for the safety of the numerous walkers, children, dog walkers and other vehicles.

Q: Does the neighborhood have a email system?

A: Yes, the neighborhood uses a Google Group for neighbors to email the neighborhood. Please review the MV Neighborhood Email Etiquette guidelines. If you are a MV property owner and/or resident and would like to be added to the group please use the Contact Us page.  

Q: Does the neighborhood have a FaceBook page?

A: Yes, the MV neighborhood has a private FaceBook group open to all current residents/property owners. Click the link to get to the Mountain Valley Private Facebook Group.

Q: How does the HOA handle snow removal on the neighborhood roads?

A: The HOA partners with a local company to efficiently clear all primary and secondary roads, applying ice melt to steep hills and tight curves for safety. If you have landscaping that extends to the road’s edge, please mark that area with reflectors. The plow drivers will maintain a distance of two feet from any reflector to protect your plants. It’s also essential to mark your mailbox to prevent issues with snowdrifts. Be sure to highlight areas with curbs as well. Reflectors can be conveniently found at Lowes or Home Depot. Please note that the plow company is not liable for any damage to unmarked landscaping or curbs within 10 feet of the road’s edge. Additionally, the plow company offers snow blowing services for homeowners who wish to contract this service directly. This arrangement is between the homeowner and the plow company, with the HOA not involved or responsible. Snow Removal Plan

Q: Who are the Public Utilities and other companies that provide services to the neighborhood?

A: There are a number of companies that provide utilities and services to the neighborhood. Click here to see a list with contact information.

Q: Can solicitors operate in the neighborhood?

A: Yes, they can. There are no state or local laws that prohibit solicitors from operating in our neighborhood, which means the Association or the Board lacks the legal authority to prevent them from doing so. To discourage solicitors from knocking on your door, we recommend placing a “NO SOLICITING” sign prominently on your door. If solicitors continue to disturb you after you point to the sign, you have the option to contact the Sheriff’s Department to report them for trespassing. The “No Soliciting” sign at the entrance to Mountain Valley was established by the HOA years ago and serves as a deterrent only if you choose not to engage with strangers or inform the solicitor that we do not conduct business with them. However, please note that the sign itself does not carry any legal weight.

Q: Commercial vehicle parking in Mountain Valley?

A: Mountain Valley Drive (MVD) is a scenic yet narrow road characterized by winding curves, hilltops, and lush landscaping that can limit visibility for drivers. Given the restricted parking options for commercial vehicles, such as landscapers and contractors, there are times when these vehicles may need to park on MVD. To ensure safety while accommodating commercial vehicle parking, the following guidelines have been established: Vehicles should be parked for the shortest time necessary and only during daylight hours. When possible, park on available roadsides (avoiding lawns). Utilize customer driveways whenever feasible. Consider parking on the nearest side street when practical. If commercial vehicles must park on MVD in areas with limited visibility, please position them to allow a clear view of oncoming traffic at least 75 feet in front of and behind the parked vehicle. Additionally, orange caution cones should be placed on the center yellow line at least 75 feet in front of and to the rear of the vehicle. Commercial companies that frequently operate in the neighborhood, such as landscapers, will be informed of this policy by the resident who hired them. Residents are also responsible for communicating this policy to contractors and requesting that they park their vehicles accordingly.